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Machine Learning Engineer

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About Me

Hello, I'm Muhammad Nadhif Nashrullah, final year student at Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto majoring in Informatics Engineering. I have interest in Machine Learning, and I have been learning it since a year and a half ago.

Learning Experiences

  • Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka (Machine Learning Cohort)

    Learn about machine learning from basic to advanced level mostly using scikit-learn and TensorFlow framework. Besides that, also learn about softkills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. And at the end of program, worked on a project to solve a real-world problem.

    Skills used: icon Python icon Scikit-learn icon TensorFlow

  • Machine Learning Class at Institut Teknologi Telkom Purwokerto

    Learn various machine learning algorithms and techniques including regression, classification, and clustering. Also learn other machine learning methods such as neural networks and deep learning and their algorithms.

    Skills used: icon Python icon Scikit-learn icon TensorFlow

Project 1

Create machine learning model to predict price through waste type based on image.

icon TensorFlow icon TensorFlow.js icon Python icon JavaScript icon Node.js

Project 1
Teman Disabilitas

A project to help people with hearing disability. The idea is to give help by providing real time translation based on mouth movement and it's sound.

icon TensorFlow icon Python icon OpenCV icon Flask

Project 1
Chatbot UBO

A chatbot for tourism guide in Bogor city. The chatbot build using Smojo.Ai, web app based platform for making simple AI and Data Science development.

icon HTML icon JavaScript